Equiami have designed a lovely lightweight practical lungeing cavesson that is made from soft yet strong modern webbing.
Runner-up in the innovations awards at BETA 2012, this lunge cavesson has a modern design which reduces rubbing and twisting. It is designed to give more room for the eyes and the broad noseband provides greater comfort for the horse. It also has optional bit straps which eliminates the need to have a bridle squashed under the cavesson.
Unless your horse is particularly strong or inclined to take liberties, you should avoid attaching the lunge rein to the bit as this disturbs the soft, equal contact that is created by the training aid. Lungeing from the bit can cause sideways pressure on the mouth and inward head tilt which are both undesirable. Lungeing from the middle ring of the cavesson avoids pressure on the bit and makes changing the rein simple as you just turn the horse in the other direction and carry on.
Equiami cavessons are designed and made in England.
The Pony size cavesson is designed for small ponies (under 13'2) or those with a little head. All of the cavessons have lots of adjustment to allow you to achieve a perfect fit.